Friday Feathered Feature

Common Raven (Columbia County)

Common Raven (Columbia County)

We enjoy seeing Common Ravens when visiting national parks in the west, fishing in Minnesota, and vacationing in northern Wisconsin. In those areas, ravens are very common, very vocal, and range over a large area.

Photo by Mick Thompson

Understanding Snowy Owl Activity Patterns

Understanding Snowy Owl Activity Patterns

Markus Duhme, a seventh-grader from Vancouver worked on a Snowy Owl research project for his school’s Wonder Expo. This young researcher used data on Columbia, a female Snowy Owl tagged and released at Goose Pond Sanctuary in January 2020.

Photo by Arlene Koziol

American Robin

American Robin

A liquid song echoes whole through springtime woods. At dawn, midday, or dusk the bird might sing, but its song delivers an energy and briskness in those crepuscular hours as the sun rises and sets. Cheerio, cheerio, cheerio.

Photo by Robert Groos/Audubon Photography Awards