This summer a group of students from UW Stevens Point (UWSP) were conducting a duck productivity research under the direction of Professor Ben Sedinger, the waterfowl professor at UWSP.
A dash of red, a sprinkling of iridescent green, a coating of white, and a mad dash to the feeder—what other bird could it be than a hummingbird—in eastern North America, only likely is the Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
Usually, our monitors go out on a nice day in February to double check their nest boxes to ensure they are ready to go for mating season at the end of March. However, 2022 started much differently.
The White-breasted Nuthatch is a jovial little bird. The industrious nuthatch uses its sharp bill to “hatch” seed out of nuts, and pry insects and seeds from branches every which way.
These four once-fuzzy, gray Northern Harrier chicks left their nest in Browne Prairie on approximately August 1, and have begun to explore the surrounding areas.