This season at the sanctuaries (Winter 2024): learn what’s been going on behind the scenes, who you can expect to find when you visit, and how to get involved in the coming few months!
Photo by Monica Hall
Waiting for me this week was one of the coolest and most handsome Wisconsin waterfowl, a Hooded Merganser, aka the hoodie. This was a drake in his full plumage with his magnificent crest. He was socializing with a small group of Mallards but the connection did not last. They flew and he fished, more on that in a bit
Photo by Mick Thompson
Jim Hess was just awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Bluebird Restoration Association of Wisconsin (BRAW) in recognition of the 25 years he has spent building, installing, and monitoring bluebird houses near his home in rural Blanchardville. For many of those years he has mentored bluebird lovers in Lafayette and Grant Counties to do the same. Please use this link to a story in the Monroe Times with more information on Jim's great accomplishments.
Photo by Arlene Koziol
A few dedicated seed collectors gathered at Goose Pond for the final volunteer effort of the season. We were looking for New England asters (NEAs) and white baptisia. Both are important for pollinators with New England asters being one of my favorites. A late bloomer, it and showy goldenrod are the flowers that give our migrating monarchs the nutritional boost they need before flying south.
Photo by Tom Koerner/USFWS